Monday, September 16, 2013

"BIG NEWS!!!! I'M SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hello family!!!

Well guess what........SISTER COVEY AND I ARE BOTH MOVING!!!!!! Sister Covey is going to Montrose which is on the east part of Scotland! She is so excited!! And I'm going to STORNOWAY......THE ISLE OF LEWIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is an island Northwest of Scotland. 

So yes, I will be freezing my butt off!! haha! Guess I better go buy some warm sweaters huh!! Wow I am soo excited!!!! I will be serving with Sister Rousseau. She came out with Sister Covey. I'm really excited. We are whitewashing the area so I will be getting a new comp, new flat, new island, new everything! Oh and guess what else, we're going to be the ONLY missionaries on the island other than the senior couple missionaries!! Crazy right??!! And I will most likely be there for Christmas so I'm not sure if I will be able to receive any packages! I'll keep you updated though!!!

Ah I will take loads of pictures!! Can't wait to update you next week and tell you all about it! I know it will probably be the hardest thing ever but I'm so excited! Bring it on :)

Sister Firth :)


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