Monday, September 30, 2013

"Funniest Home Video!"

Oh hey!!

Well, funny story to start off this morning Sis Rousseau and I went running down to the dock by our house and Sis Rousseau was looking out at the sea and totally ran into a giant light post!  It was the funniest thing I have ever seen!!  I literally was on my hands and knees laughing. She didn't get hurt but she was laughing so hard.  It reminded me of when Whit and I used to watch funniest home videos!  Soo classic!!

So this past week has been pretty good!  We've done loads of walking and finding.  We have our first investigator!!  Her name is Fiona and she is really good friends with our branch prez's wife!  We have loads of potentials to so lets hope everything goes as it should!
We've been teaching loads of less active members. They are all so nice! We are really hoping to get most of the less actives back to church!
Sorry this is so short but nothing big has happened this week!  I've been overly tired this week.  I guess that's what white washing does to you! haha but I love it!  I really love Stornoway!  It is so amazing and I love love love the people!  So grateful to be a missionary!  I read a conference talk this morning about Sidney Going who was a rugby player for New Zealand.  He chose to serve a mission and he was so positive and Christ-like.  I am making it a goal to be more Christ-like so I can improve.  There's always need for improvement right? :)
Well I love you all!!  Thank you for everything!!  I miss you guys!  oh and I think it was Brynlee's birthday this past week!  Happy one year big chunky cheeks!!  I love you!!  Miss you all!!

Sista Firth :)

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