Monday, September 9, 2013

"Almost Transfers??!!!"

Hello family!!!
This week has been good! Today might be the last p-day I get to spend with sister covey! :(  I hope she doesn't leave!  I might just die!  haha  I guess I can survive!  Oh and make sure you send all letters and packages to the mission home in case I get transferred next week!

We had Zone Conference and wow, it was the best zone conference I've been to!  It was Elder James, my zone leader's last Zone Conference so we all bore our testimonies.  It was so spiritual!  We are all really sad to see him leave but it has been so fun having him as my zone leader! 

Bernadette is doing great!  She still hasn't made it to church but she is reading the BOM and is still praying.  Sis Covey and I love her to death!  We go over to her house twice a week!  We are going over there this Friday for a girls night with her and her friends since Sis Covey might be leaving. 

Cheryl got confirmed yesterday!  Satan tried to stop her confirmation, again, but Heavenly Father really answered our prayers.  Cheryl showed up to church all on her own right before sacrament.  We were really stressing but we said loads of prayers and Heavenly Father helped us out!  So thankful for the power of prayer. 

So funny story for the week....on Thursday, we were teaching this mom named Natalie.  She is a single mom of 3 kids.  A 10 year old, 3 year old, and a 2 year old.  The 3 and 2 year old kids were going crazy during the lesson but they were soo cute!!  We wanted to say a closing prayer before we left so we had the little girl who is 3 sit on Sis Covey's lap and the 2 year old boy sit on mine so that we could have silence while we prayed. Well we got done praying and I took Reese off of my lap and let him go play again.  Well I looked down and my skirt was soaking....yes, he peed on my lap during the prayer!  haha!!!  Natalie felt so bad but it was so funny and it really wasn't a big deal so i just laughed.  It really was way funny and we are going back to her house this week so that's good! :) 

This week has been really good but Sis Covey and I were really struggling on Friday and Saturday with trusting God and having faith in Him.  Then with the experience we had with Cheryl yesterday with her confirmation and God answering our prayers really strengthened my faith.  Faith is so simple.  It seems so easy to just have faith but at times, its not.  There are so many stories of prophets in the Book of Mormon of prophets having so much faith.  Moroni, Enos, Samuel, 2000 stripling warriors, Nephi and so many more.  They have so much faith and it seems so easy to do.  I've learned out here to really rely on the Lord in the hard times.  I have such a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon and the power of prayer.  I have a genuine love for the Book of Mormon.  Its amazing and I have learned so much from it.  I love how I can escape from all of my worries and stresses when I read the Book of Mormon.  I love the Book of Mormon.  I love my Savior.  I love sharing the gospel with others.  I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  And I'm so grateful to be a daughter of a King. 

Love you all!!! thanks for everything!! :):) 

Sister Firth :)

P.S. This is the Healey's....they are our parents out here!  We LOVE them!! :)  We eat at there house every Friday!  Love Scottish people!!

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