Monday, September 23, 2013

"STORNOWAY.....greatest place on earth!!!!"

Hello fam bam!!
Okay, so I have some bad news......I decided that I'm never coming home.  I'm staying in Stornoway forever! :) haha sorry but I love it up here! Okay so let me start off with my great companion....

Her name is Sister Rousseau. She is from Vernal, Utah and is soo cute! We get along great and are soo much alike! She is going to be in the ARMY (uhh ya cool huh!) and she is such a great missionary.  She is the second oldest of 11 kids and her mom is pregnant....again!! 12 kids in her family!! Wow!! She plays tennis and graduated in 2011.  I love her!  We are soo excited to be up here!

Okay so on Wednesday night, we slept at the mission home.  We thought that we were going to come over here to Stornoway by the ferry on Thursday, but nope...we flew!!  haha  The plane had 26 people on it!  And we could only take 2 suitcases and they could only weigh 33 pounds each!! Crazy huh!  We left like half of our stuff back in the mission home! haha  Elder and Sister Sharp (the senior couple) met us at the airport when we flew in. They are soo nice!  They are from Herriman, Utah! I absolutely love them!  So we got to our house around 8 in the morning. Our house is sooo cute! Its big!  We have a down stairs and an upstairs.  So 2 floors.  We have a kitchen, two bathrooms, living room, guest room, our bedroom, and a study room!  We love it!!  Our branch pres and his wife wanted to take us out that day to show us around.  We drove all the way up to the Port of Ness and all the way down to the Isle of Harris!!  And can I just say that I'm going to live here?  It is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

So here's the info on the area.  We don't just cover Stornoway, we cover the Isle of Lewis, the Isle of Harris, and all the other islands that surround it!  So yes, we have loads of work to do but we are soo pumped!  We aren't allowed to chap (knock doors) on Sundays because it is a BIG offense to the people on the island.  So we go on really long walks to get to know people who are outside and we plan!  Its great!  The people are really nice though!

Our branch has 80 members in it and only 10 are active.  There were only 8 members at church yesterday, so we are going to be doing loads of less active work.

So we are loving it up here! We think we will be here for 6 months, but we hope we are here the rest of our missions!  We are so excited to start seeing loads of miracles!  I love being a missionary!  Its amazing!  Thanks for all of your support!!  I love you and miss you...kinda :) haha! just kidding!  I miss you loads!!!

Sister Firth :)
Picture #2 is the Port of Ness
Picture #3 is the Isle of Harris


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