Thursday, September 26, 2013

Communication to Stornoway---Half Way Across The World

Dear Sister Firth,
I just talked to your daughter, Sister Firth, in Stornoway.  She sounds very happy and energetic.  She and her companion have their first investigator lesson today!  Yeah!  I also gave them a referral, so we will see how that turns out.  Many times the referrals don’t work out because the address is not right, the phone number isn’t right, etc.  And this referral I gave them seems like it might be one of those.  If they can’t contact the person, we drop the referral.
  Anyway, Sister Firth’s address:  6 Seaview Terrace, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis SCT, HS1 2RR
   You can send letters to either the mission office and I will forward them on to her, or you can send the letters directly to her address.  As far as packages, if you send them to the mission office, they will probably stay in the mission office until someone goes to the Isle of Lewis which may be quite a while.  But she would get her package at least by Christmas if she is still there at that time.    They are always safe here, just may take a while to get to her while in Stornoway.  You can send packages to her on the island if you would like.  However, I would not send them to her flat.  She and her companion may not be at home when a package is delivered and then it would go back to the post office and sit until it could be picked up…which who knows when that could be.  I would suggest that you send the package to the Branch President, President David Jones.  They could hold it until they see her, which will be often…more than once a week for sure.  Also, I wouldn’t send letters or packages at least 2 weeks before transfers. In the case she is transferred and a letter or package arrive at her flat and she is transferred, her mail will take a while to get to her—if at all.  Email letters are best around transfer time.
President David Jones address is:  10 Holm Village, Isle of Lewis HS2 0AZ, Scotland   United Kingdom
The email address of President Jones is       
  If you have to email the branch president, please ONLY do it when sending a package to let them know to watch for it.  
   As far as Christmas packages, the earlier you start sending them, the better.  Some parents started sending them in October last year.  Like I mentioned, if you send the Christmas packages here for her, they will be safe and we make sure she will get them.  Who knows how long she will in Stornoway.  If you do send them to her there and she is transferred before Christmas, then that is more that she has to pack for a move and it may be more than she can handle.  I would suggest sending Christmas packages to the mission office.
   I hope this has helped to answered you questions.  Take care and know that we love Sister Firth and think she is an amazing missionary.
Warm Regards,
Sister Price
Scotland/Ireland Misison
From: Lisa Firth []
Sent: 25 September 2013 20:50
To: Scotland/Ireland Mission; Alan Henry Brown
Subject: Sister Callie Firth
Hi President Brown and mission office ~

I'm sorry to bother you, as I know that you all are very busy, but I am in need of Sister Firth's address in Stornoway, Scotland.  We have received an email from Sister Firth, but still do not know her address in her new area.  Also, with her being on an island, can you please tell me the timing of packages being sent to her once you have received them in the mission office.  We are trying to do planning for sending her birthday package (which is in November) and also, need to know when you need to receive her packages for x-mas in the mission home in order for Callie to receive them by x-mas?

I know this is all sort of trivial, but is therapy for us being able to serve Sister Firth! :)  We just love and miss her like crazy!! :)  BUT, we are go grateful for this incredible opportunity for her to serve the Lord!  She writes home that she "LOVES BEING A MISSIONARY!" 

Thanks so much for any help on getting us her address!  May the Lord bless you and all our sweet sons and daughters!


Lisa Firth 

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