Monday, October 7, 2013

"Become As A Little Child"

".......As you will see below, Callie will forever love her utes! :)  Take no offense!! ha :)".........Lisa
Hello family!!

So....Utah beat BYU??? Saweet!!!!! Thats soo cool! Go utes!!
Wow wasn't conference amazing!!  I loved it!  We watched it at our ward building but didn't get to watch the Sunday afternoon session because it started at 9 at night and we had to be in by 9! ha  I loved loved loved Elder Ballard's talk!  I think that woke all of the missionaries up.  I know it woke me up!  I also always loved hearing Elder Holland!  I was so surprised at his talk.  I loved it!  Soo great!  He really pumped me up! haha President Uchtdorf's talk was great as well.  I can't wait to watch the rest of it!

Earlier this week I read a conference talk by Jean A. Stevens called "Become as a Little Child."  This talk really inspired me to become a better missionary.  As i read this talk i thought of Brooklyn, Brynlee, and Beau. They are perfect examples to me of what i want to become.  In Mosiah 3 :19 it says that children are submissive, meek, humble, patient, and full of love.  Well that definitely explains the 3 little ones!  Thanks Brookie, Brynlee, and Beau for being great examples to me!
 So this past week has been good! Funny on Thursday we went out to dinner with my branch prez and his wife!  We went to an Indian place and we sat down and ordered.  We got our starters and then right as we finished, the police come barging in!  It was the U.K. border immigration patrol!  They started getting all of the people who worked there to sit down and have them show the police their passports....well none of them had one! haha and then the police kicked us out!  It was way cool.  Dad you would've loved it! haha

We are still teaching Fiona. She's so cute! We're going to commit her to baptism this week so lets pray she accepts! :)  Oh and guess what......2 less actives came to conference yesterday!!!! Allistar and Joan.  Allistar is very into the church.  He reads his scriptures, prays, etc.. but doesn't come to church because he got offended about 7 years ago and hasn't been back.  So when he walked in with his wife, Sis Rousseau and I were all smiles! We couldn't believe it! AND when he was leaving he said, "I'll see you at church next week!" I about died!!  THIS is what I love about being a missionary!  And Joan told Sister Sharp (the senior couple) that she wants Sis Rousseau and I to come over!  So we are going over on Thursday for dinner!  We are trying to get Kerri, who is less active back to church as well.  She is so cute! We love love love her! We saw her on the street the other day with her support worker.  After we said bye, her support worker asked her who we were.  Kerri told her that we were the Mormon missionaries.  Her support worker, Izzy told her that she wants to meet with us!  Amazing!! :)

Sister Rousseau and I really have the faith that our ward building will be full with people by the time we leave!  This island really needed missionaries!  I'm so grateful to be up here and serving the Lord!

Today we are going to this Alzheimers (don't know how to spell it haha) place with Kerri.  I think its going to make me sad.....I've been thinking so much of grandma this past week.  Listening to Pres. Monson talk about his wife made me so teary.  I just kept thinking of grandma and grandpa. They are in paradise together.  I'm grateful that I get to be with my wonderful family forever.  I miss you all loads this week. Yes, I've been homesick. haha but its cool because i get to talk to you guys real soon! :) Even though I do get homesick @ times, I love it up here!  The people and the area make me feel at home.  I think I've really learned to love teaching people!  I just want these people to have and know what I know is true and what makes me so happy in life!  I've really come to love the scriptures.  I've learned that I need to study the Bible more. Haha.  Everyone here is soo religious!  I guess that the priests in other churches were telling the people "don't let boys in suits in your houses because they know their scriptures better than you do".  Crazy huh!  So then it was funny because it was Sisters who showed up on the island and not the Elders!  So pretty much everyone knows who we are on the island.  It's a wee bit stressful but its alright!

Well I love you all!!  I miss you guys!  Thanks for all the pics and videos!  Keep the faith!! :)
Sister Firth :)

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