Monday, October 28, 2013

Moves call! :)‏

Hello family!!
Well, we had moves call last night and........we're staying in Stornoway!!!!!!!  We are soo happy!!  Meg and mom, thanks for the packages!!!  Love them!!! :):)
So this week has been brilliant!!  On Tuesday, we went and had dinner at David (prez. jones) and Marwenna's house.  I don't know if I've told you or not but Marwenna is a famous song writer.  She has written songs with the Osmonds, Usher, Simpsons, etc.  So after we ate dinner, she had to make a phone call....well guess who it was to....Nathan Osmond!!!  So pretty much we talked to Nathan Osmond on the phone!!  It was soo awesome!!

So this week was good. We were kinda struggling the beginning of the week.  All of our appointments kept canceling and no one was listening to us.  So on Thursday, I decided to fast and guess what.....we taught FIVE lessons by the end of the night!  Testimony builder?? Umm, ya!  We've been trying this new approach with people.  When we approach someone, we have to say Joseph Smith's name in the first 9 seconds and man it has worked!  So one of our lessons we taught was to a man named Hugh.  We were chapping in Back and we chapped his door but his house was way run down and it looked like no one lived there.  No one answered the door so we went around back and noticed he had a caravan so we chapped it! haha  But right after we chapped it, the back door of the house opened and Hugh walked out.  We brought up Joseph Smith and got talking . We taught him about the BOM and Joseph Smith a bit.  And while we were talking, he said, "I've been looking for the true church and I've been waiting for someone to come knock on my door".  I was blown away!!  I couldn't stop smiling.  It was so amazing!  Sis Rousseau and i loved it! So we are going back to his house this Thursday!!
So we haven't gotten ahold of Fiona because she has been in Glasgow on holiday.  Bummer.  Bella canceled her appointment but there definitely was a reason for her canceling....we got to meet Hugh that day!  Bella is going in for surgery tomorrow so we are going to see her on Thursday to take her cookies!
So another cool story. On Saturday, we were street finding for a bit but no one was on the street except for this man walking his dogs  We ran into him and noticed it was Jason.  We chapped Jason's door last week and taught him about the BOM and WOW.  He had told us he's had a drinking problem because he broke up with his girlfriend recently.  So on Saturday, he told us that he hadn't drank at all since he last saw us!  It made us humbled a bit.  We were really grateful for him and his example to us.
On Friday, we had our Halloween party!  And man, it was a hit!  Sis Rousseau and I were proud!  haha  Our next door neighbors showed up. They aren't members but Ann Marie, the mom, told me she wants to come to our service on Sunday!  It was a lot of fun!  There were about 30 people there!  Way fun!  Plus, we dressed up as hypies! :)
Yesterday, I gave a talk in sacrament.  It went pretty good and guess what....3 less actives and 1 none member came to church!!! :) wahoo!!  The work is moving forward!  So life is great up in Storny!!  I love it up here!  I love the people.  They are like my family!  Ah i love it!  Thanks for all your support!!  love you all! :)  miss you!!
love always,
Sister Firth :)
p.s. we decorated our Christmas tree! Mom and whit, you'd be proud :)

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