Monday, October 21, 2013

"Great Week in Stornoway!"

".......Hello my 3 beautiful sistas! :)

 Just so you all know...I get all of your videos and pics but on the videos, there's no sound! :( bummer but I love them anyway!! I miss all your kids!! Can't wait to meet the new little ones! :) Just wanted you to all know that I love you 3! You are the best sisters I could ever ask for! Thanks for always watching out for me! I miss going to lunch. Its weird being away from you 3! I don't like it but hey, I'll see you all at Christmas which is in 9 weeks I'll have you know! :) Thanks for the letters and emails and packages! I'll write all you back today! I promise! Love you sisters!! Miss you loads! But doing great! :)


Your fav sis missionary! ;)..........."

Hello family!!!

Whit, I got your package!!! :) Thank you! I haven't opened any of it yet! The package was way torn up though because it was in a bag and not a box! But nothing was lost! :) Oh and guess what....Sis Rousseau's b-day is on the 5th of November so we are going to celebrate our birthdays together!
So this week has been good!! I think this week was the fastest week I've had on the mission! And this transfer is going by way fast as well! Sad :(

So we got 3 new investigators so we are pumped about that!! and guess who one is.....Bella!!!!!! :):) Fiona has been out of town so we are going to teach her tomorrow! So lets hope she accepts a baptism date tomorrow! Kind of nerve racking but exciting!! We need that font to be used! ha

So about Bella.....we went over there on Wednesday and talked to her for a bit about her nephew's baptism in Inverness which was on the main land. She loved it!! She cried when he got baptized and the spirit was so strong she said. After we talked about it, we watched a conference talk by Eyring about adversity. Right in the middle of it, she said, "I feel like he's talking right to me" and we said, "ya, that's how conference works...they receive inspiration from God of what to say". She loved it! So after it ended, we talked about it and then invited her to take the missionary lessons and she said ya, I'll try! I was on cloud 9! I have been praying so hard for her to be interested!! So lets hope all goes well!

We also met this girl named Jodie a few weeks ago. She is so cute! We have a movie night every Friday and she came to it! We taught her the restoration afterwards and she took a BOM! We were so happy! Plus, she's 18 so we connect with her really well.

Yesterday was great! Sis Rousseau gave a talk on Faith in Christ and did a great job! Brendan, a less active, came to church! He's way cool and wants to get active again. We also went and saw Allistar on Saturday and talked about him coming back to church and he said that he would be back. He just doesn't know when. So we're going to work on him real hard! This week we have loads of less active appointments so we are hoping that it all goes good!

Well fam nothing else to say really! I'm still loving it up here! The weather is still looking great!! I love you all! thanks for everything!! So grateful for all of you and your support! I miss you guys!! Choose the right, be strong, peace out!! :)
Sister Firth :)
P.S. We went shopping and got new bags! :)

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