Monday, October 14, 2013

"4 Months Already??"

Hello fam bam!!!
First off......MEG!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats sista!! Ah I got a bit teary (and you know me, I don't cry haha) reading the blog post you sent me!! I'm soo happy for you, dev, and beau!  That will be soo fun!  Can't wait to see the little dude on skype!  And whit, has little Lexi Sue come yet??  Soo excited for you as well!  Can't wait to meet big girl on skype!!

Mom, thanks for the Halloween package!!  LOVED IT!!!! and Sis Rousseau says thanks! :)  Dad, its almost Halloween!!!  You're favorite holiday! I sure miss carving pumpkins and watching scary movies with you every night!  SMBFL (Scary movie buddies for life?) K cool :)
Well family this past week was a good one!  I love the branch members!!  One of them is named Ann Mcleod and we call her "mama Mcleod" :) We love love love her! She is soo cute and is always helping us with missionary work.  We are also teaching this girl named Bella!  Her father-in-law is in our branch.  She is almost 30 and has CF.  She is so strong!  We visit her every week and she invited us over on Christmas to spend the day with her!  We are taking things really slow with her so we don't push her away.  She believes everything we believe but hasn't read the BOM.  She still needs to find out if its true and if our church is true.  So it may take her all 6 months to find out if it is true but patience is a virtue right? ;) oh and she gave us a big bag of potatoes!!  Saweet!!

We also went and visited the Donnelley's this past week.  We love them as well!  Carol and Garry are so nice to us and Carol loves scary movies....ummm ya dad she has seen pretty much every scary movie that we've seen.  She's awesome!  haha but guess what.....GARRY CAME TO CHURCH!!!!  He hasn't been in over 10 years!!!  Mine and Sis Rousseaus jaws dropped when he walked in!  It was brilliant!

So Garry came to church and so did 2 other less actives!  So it was a great Sunday!  Plus, the sun was out so it made it even better!  Yesterday we went over to a member's house for lunch.  Her name is Agnes and she is so great!  We always have deep doctrine convo's with her and wow, my mind has been blown so many times!

We had a "Bible bash" with this man the other day named Ian.  People over here in Stornoway are soo set in their ways.  They fully believe in the trinity.  Weird!  I always ask them who they think Christ prayed to in the Garden of Gethsemane and who he cried out to on the cross and they always have to sit and think for a minute.  Its kinda funny but I just always am blunt with them. haha
So everything is great over here!! I guess people could see the northern lights the other night at 3a.m. which is way cool!  I hope I get to see them while I'm up here!  We also had interviews with Pres Brown over skype last night and I really stressed how much I love it up here!  So lets hope I stay up here for 6 months because I love it!!  The branch members are so nice and always help us out!

Well fam I love you!  Doing great!!  Of course I miss you guys..all the time but it's worth it!  Mom don't worry, I'm safe!  I always watch out for cars and sheep ;) haha I love you all!!  Thanks for all the letters and emails!  So grateful for all of your support!!  Families are Forever!!  Its a good thing that's true because I don't know what I'd do with out all of you! <3

Sister Firth :)

p.s. Sis Rosseau and I are going on the Adkins diet! haha wish us luck!

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