Monday, November 4, 2013


Hello family! Happy Halloween......well, last Thursday! :) haha so this week has been kind of a down one. Let me explain.....
Fiona: She won't answer our phone calls and our branch prez's wife told us that she did this to the last missionaries so we'll see what happens when we try and go visit her tomorrow.
Bella: She had surgery last week but we are going to see her this week. We are excited!!
Hindi family: They totally dropped us. Right when we walked in the door, she handed us the BOM we gave her and told us she wasn't interested anymore and that she didn't have time to read it. Bummer.
Mairi: We taught her twice in the past two weeks. It was great but then we asked her to be baptized on Saturday and she said no. But we're going to keep trying.

So pretty much we have no solids except for Hugh and Bella. Hugh is amazing!! We are going to see him this Thursday! We have loads of faith in him! We met this lady named Victoria last Monday on the street. She's from Latvia and got talking about the BOM and how is blesses families. Well, she told us her husband passed away two years ago. We taught her how families can be together forever. The spirit was so strong. She wasn't ready for religion because she's upset at God. We just hope she calls us soon.

Yesterday was fast and testimony meeting. It was really good. The spirit was so strong like always. We had one less active at church. His name's Brendan and he's been to church 3 weeks in a month so he's reactivated now! Yay! Fam, this branch is seriously amazing. I've never met so many strong, and bonded people. I love them. They are my family out here! I don't know why but I was so teary all through out church yesterday. I've been teary all week and I'm not sure why. I think its because its been a hard week. Plus, we don't get to go to our Zone Conference this week so that was a downer as well. I think I just miss you all loads. I cant wait to see you all at Christmas!!
Oh and I chopped my hair off this past week.....not sure if I like it or not. Mom, don't freak out! haha I told her to cut it to my shoulders...well, its a lot shorter than my shoulders. Oh well, it'll be long again by the time I go home! ha love you all!! Thanks for everything!
Sister Firth :)

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