Monday, November 18, 2013

AH baby lexi!!!‏

Hello family!!

okay Lexi Sue is precious!!!!!!!!!! love that big girl already! cant wait to see her at christmas!! I hope everything's okay with her. I've been so worried all week. She definitely was in my prayers this week! So wish i could be there to meet the little stink! give her a big kiss for me k??? Whit and Davis....congrats!! Ah my sister is a mommy and my bro-in-law is a daddy!! Sooo amazing!!!
Well this week was good! We had zone conference in Edinburgh! We got to get off of the island which was fun! It was a good conference. Learned loads from it! It was soo good to see other missionaries! haha
So update on our investigators....
HUGH: We taught him on Tuesday and he brought up baptism!! It was a great and spiritual lesson as always! :) And he came to church for the second time!!! Whooop whooop!!! So he's doing great! He doesn't think he needs to read the BOM or Bible though which is a bummer so we are going to work on that with him on Tuesday!
BELLA: She is doing great!! We taught her the restoration last Friday! It was an okay lesson...we could have taught it better. We were talking about how to repent and pray and ask for forgiveness. She mentioned how she is embarrassed to pray to God because of the mistakes she's made in the past. I told her that I know how she feels. I've made mistakes to. We're not perfect...that's why the atonement is so great! So we talked about that so lets hope she gets the courage to get on her knees and pray! :)
ANDREW: Well, he goes in for surgery in two weeks! He's really scared so we told him he could get a priesthood blessing....he accepted! So we are seeing him at FHE tonight and are going to figure that out! He said he's still interested so we'll see how everything goes!!
So Saturday was the longest day of my life!! haha We didn't have any appointments scheduled so we did "try bys" all day long! We were exhausted. We worked our butts off and got zero lessons......ZERO LESSONS!! We were so bummed. We had talked to everyone on the street, knocked on everyone's door and no one would let us in or give us the time of day. Kind of depressing haha but then Bella text us that night and said thanks for helping her and that she loves us a lot for it! So that made up for our long day! To me, that was a wee miracle I saw :) The Lord works in mysterious ways! Love it!
Well, nothing else is going on here! The weather has been pretty good! Oh my mama (sis covey) sent me a shirt that her mom sent to us! Its awesome!! well i love you all!!! Thanks for all the support!! I miss you guys!! I love you loads!!! have a great week!!! :):))
Love always,
Sister Firth :)

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