Monday, November 11, 2013

Can you repeat that?!!!

I just want to thank everyone who has been apart of this great experience, so far, with Callie!  As you will see, she has grown so much and gained such a strong testimony.  This is one of the things I had hoped for having her go on a mission.  I am a proud and humbled mom.  The following excerpt is Callie's closing email to me this morning...just wanted to share (lump in my throat...)
"  oh my i feel so grateful for everyone! ah people are soo nice! :) k sounds good!! okay mom i have to go! thanks for EVERYTHING!!!!  i miss you loads!! Just want you to know how much i love the gospel and how grateful i am for it because i have a great family who i get to be with forever! I have such a love for the Book of Mormon. Its amazing! So grateful to be a missionary and teach people about the restored gospel and the plan of HAPPINESS! so grateful for my savior and for the atonement. I wouldn't be out here if it weren't for Christ! I love this church! i love you! thanks for everything! have a great week! :) i'll talk to you next week!! "
Hello fam bam!!!
Well this week was AMAZING!!!! Full of miracles!  Ah the Lord is really blessing us out here.  Love it!
So let me update you on all of our investigators....
HUGH:  Well, we taught Hugh last thursday about the Plan of Salvation.  He loved it!  He kept saying how he needs to be prepared and get his act together.  We talked about taking steps to get him where he needs to be and he said that he needs to come to church and pray.  I asked him what his first step was going to be and guess what he said...."I'm going to be at church on Sunday.  I need to increase my faith in Christ and I'm not sure why but i feel like I need to go to the LDS church."  Well, guess what...HE CAME TO CHURCH YESTERDAY!!!!! :)  He came for just sacrament but he loved it!  I gave a talk and talked on agency and the plan of salvation.  He really hit it off with our branch prez so that was good.  We are going to commit him to a date this week!  Lets hope he accepts it! :)
BELLA:  We taught Bella last Friday!  We taught her the plan of salvation as well.  She has had loads of her CF friends pass away and so we thought it would good to teach her the POS so she can know that she can be with them again.  It went great!  She loved it!  She understood everything.  At the end of the lesson...we asked her "Bella, if you came to know that all of this was true, would you be baptized?" She said YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I totally thought in my mind.....umm, excuse me but could you repeat that?!!! haha  It was soo great!  Then, her father-in-law, Donald who is a member of our church, came in and explained the priesthood to her.  He bore the strongest most powerful testimony i've ever heard.  I just stared right at Bella.  She could feel the spirit so strong.  The room was filled with the spirit!  It was brilliant! :)
ANDREW:  We taught Andrew the restoration on Friday.  He didn't understand it very well so we are going to simply explain it to him this week.  He said that he's really interested in our church and he came to the movie night on friday and is coming to FHE tonight!  He is soo cool and is such a good guy.
Also, Brendan is now active!!  He came to church on sunday and looked so nice!  He comes to everything and is doing great!  So that was a miracle as well. So life is grand up in Stornoway!  This week was by far the best week i've ever had!!  God blessed us loads and I saw soo many miracles!  I am loving everything!  So blessed to be teaching the gospel to the people of Stornoway!  So blessed to have the gospel in my life. Thanks for all your support!  I love you guys! Miss you!!

Sister Cal-turd Firth :)
p.s. 6 weeks til Christmas!!!!!!!

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