Monday, November 25, 2013


Hola fam!!!
So how are you all?? How is little Lexi doing?? So glad she's out of the hospital! Big relief! Goodness, what is with all of the Firth girls having scary pregnancies?
This past week has been good! Update on investigators...
ANDREW: Well, he goes in for surgery on the 3rd of December and he is very scared. He got a priesthood blessing last monday and he definitely felt the spirit. It was amazing. He called us a couple of nights ago and said that he cant take anything in right now because he needs to focus on the surgery so he kind of dropped us but not really because he's still interested but wants to learn after the surgery! Oh and Debbie, who lives in Utah and taught him about the BOM, knows Mickelle Horton who i went to high school with! Cool huh!! Small world! So ya thats Andrew!
BELLA: Bella is doing great!! We were planning on teaching her the Gospel of Jesus Christ on Friday but she wasnt in the mood and we had a feeling we werent going to be teaching it so we brought an Ensign just in case! We read a talk about Grace. It was soo great! The spirit was so strong when we read the talk. She loved it and guess what....she prayed!!!!! That is a huge step for her so i was really happy about that!! So she is doing great! :)
HUGH: Hugh came to church again! He's doing so good! We taught him the resoration last tuesday and he ate it up! It was brilliant!! The spirit is always so strong in his house. So he's slowly progressing but he still wont read the BOM. We asked if we could read it to him or with him and he said no and that he will read it when he's ready so that was totally fine! Dont want to rush him! But i definitely think he's going to be baptised in the future!
So it was a good week! We had President Clancy come to our branch yesterday who is the 1st counsler in the mission presidency. He is a great man! We told him that we love it up here and we hope to stay for a while and he said that he'd put in a good word to President Brown!! Whoop whooop!! saweet!! Thats us staying for a while! No problem with that! :)
So as you all know its thanksgiving this week....i am so excited! We are eating turkey dinner at the senior couples home! We have a way busy week this week so we are way excited about that! I guess that if you would've asked me a year ago what i was thankful for, my answer would be different than it is right now....I am thankful for many things but my main ones are my wonderful family, amazing friends, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I cant even begin to explain how grateful i am to have a great family like you guys! My friends are amazing! I dont know what i would do without them! And the gospel, well, its my life. I know i wouldnt be out here serving the Lord without it! Im so thankful to be serving a mission in this beautiful country. Its so amazing and im so thankful for how happy its made me and how much its blessed my life. Im so thankful for Jesus Christ and what he did for me. There's so much to be thankful for but i chose the 3 most important things in my life.
I love you all! thank you for all of your support! So thankful for my great family! i miss you all!!

Sister Firth :)
p.s.  our new high vis vests we bought today! :) so we dont get hit by cars!" haha

Monday, November 18, 2013

AH baby lexi!!!‏

Hello family!!

okay Lexi Sue is precious!!!!!!!!!! love that big girl already! cant wait to see her at christmas!! I hope everything's okay with her. I've been so worried all week. She definitely was in my prayers this week! So wish i could be there to meet the little stink! give her a big kiss for me k??? Whit and Davis....congrats!! Ah my sister is a mommy and my bro-in-law is a daddy!! Sooo amazing!!!
Well this week was good! We had zone conference in Edinburgh! We got to get off of the island which was fun! It was a good conference. Learned loads from it! It was soo good to see other missionaries! haha
So update on our investigators....
HUGH: We taught him on Tuesday and he brought up baptism!! It was a great and spiritual lesson as always! :) And he came to church for the second time!!! Whooop whooop!!! So he's doing great! He doesn't think he needs to read the BOM or Bible though which is a bummer so we are going to work on that with him on Tuesday!
BELLA: She is doing great!! We taught her the restoration last Friday! It was an okay lesson...we could have taught it better. We were talking about how to repent and pray and ask for forgiveness. She mentioned how she is embarrassed to pray to God because of the mistakes she's made in the past. I told her that I know how she feels. I've made mistakes to. We're not perfect...that's why the atonement is so great! So we talked about that so lets hope she gets the courage to get on her knees and pray! :)
ANDREW: Well, he goes in for surgery in two weeks! He's really scared so we told him he could get a priesthood blessing....he accepted! So we are seeing him at FHE tonight and are going to figure that out! He said he's still interested so we'll see how everything goes!!
So Saturday was the longest day of my life!! haha We didn't have any appointments scheduled so we did "try bys" all day long! We were exhausted. We worked our butts off and got zero lessons......ZERO LESSONS!! We were so bummed. We had talked to everyone on the street, knocked on everyone's door and no one would let us in or give us the time of day. Kind of depressing haha but then Bella text us that night and said thanks for helping her and that she loves us a lot for it! So that made up for our long day! To me, that was a wee miracle I saw :) The Lord works in mysterious ways! Love it!
Well, nothing else is going on here! The weather has been pretty good! Oh my mama (sis covey) sent me a shirt that her mom sent to us! Its awesome!! well i love you all!!! Thanks for all the support!! I miss you guys!! I love you loads!!! have a great week!!! :):))
Love always,
Sister Firth :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Can you repeat that?!!!

I just want to thank everyone who has been apart of this great experience, so far, with Callie!  As you will see, she has grown so much and gained such a strong testimony.  This is one of the things I had hoped for having her go on a mission.  I am a proud and humbled mom.  The following excerpt is Callie's closing email to me this morning...just wanted to share (lump in my throat...)
"  oh my i feel so grateful for everyone! ah people are soo nice! :) k sounds good!! okay mom i have to go! thanks for EVERYTHING!!!!  i miss you loads!! Just want you to know how much i love the gospel and how grateful i am for it because i have a great family who i get to be with forever! I have such a love for the Book of Mormon. Its amazing! So grateful to be a missionary and teach people about the restored gospel and the plan of HAPPINESS! so grateful for my savior and for the atonement. I wouldn't be out here if it weren't for Christ! I love this church! i love you! thanks for everything! have a great week! :) i'll talk to you next week!! "
Hello fam bam!!!
Well this week was AMAZING!!!! Full of miracles!  Ah the Lord is really blessing us out here.  Love it!
So let me update you on all of our investigators....
HUGH:  Well, we taught Hugh last thursday about the Plan of Salvation.  He loved it!  He kept saying how he needs to be prepared and get his act together.  We talked about taking steps to get him where he needs to be and he said that he needs to come to church and pray.  I asked him what his first step was going to be and guess what he said...."I'm going to be at church on Sunday.  I need to increase my faith in Christ and I'm not sure why but i feel like I need to go to the LDS church."  Well, guess what...HE CAME TO CHURCH YESTERDAY!!!!! :)  He came for just sacrament but he loved it!  I gave a talk and talked on agency and the plan of salvation.  He really hit it off with our branch prez so that was good.  We are going to commit him to a date this week!  Lets hope he accepts it! :)
BELLA:  We taught Bella last Friday!  We taught her the plan of salvation as well.  She has had loads of her CF friends pass away and so we thought it would good to teach her the POS so she can know that she can be with them again.  It went great!  She loved it!  She understood everything.  At the end of the lesson...we asked her "Bella, if you came to know that all of this was true, would you be baptized?" She said YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I totally thought in my mind.....umm, excuse me but could you repeat that?!!! haha  It was soo great!  Then, her father-in-law, Donald who is a member of our church, came in and explained the priesthood to her.  He bore the strongest most powerful testimony i've ever heard.  I just stared right at Bella.  She could feel the spirit so strong.  The room was filled with the spirit!  It was brilliant! :)
ANDREW:  We taught Andrew the restoration on Friday.  He didn't understand it very well so we are going to simply explain it to him this week.  He said that he's really interested in our church and he came to the movie night on friday and is coming to FHE tonight!  He is soo cool and is such a good guy.
Also, Brendan is now active!!  He came to church on sunday and looked so nice!  He comes to everything and is doing great!  So that was a miracle as well. So life is grand up in Stornoway!  This week was by far the best week i've ever had!!  God blessed us loads and I saw soo many miracles!  I am loving everything!  So blessed to be teaching the gospel to the people of Stornoway!  So blessed to have the gospel in my life. Thanks for all your support!  I love you guys! Miss you!!

Sister Cal-turd Firth :)
p.s. 6 weeks til Christmas!!!!!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013


Hello family! Happy Halloween......well, last Thursday! :) haha so this week has been kind of a down one. Let me explain.....
Fiona: She won't answer our phone calls and our branch prez's wife told us that she did this to the last missionaries so we'll see what happens when we try and go visit her tomorrow.
Bella: She had surgery last week but we are going to see her this week. We are excited!!
Hindi family: They totally dropped us. Right when we walked in the door, she handed us the BOM we gave her and told us she wasn't interested anymore and that she didn't have time to read it. Bummer.
Mairi: We taught her twice in the past two weeks. It was great but then we asked her to be baptized on Saturday and she said no. But we're going to keep trying.

So pretty much we have no solids except for Hugh and Bella. Hugh is amazing!! We are going to see him this Thursday! We have loads of faith in him! We met this lady named Victoria last Monday on the street. She's from Latvia and got talking about the BOM and how is blesses families. Well, she told us her husband passed away two years ago. We taught her how families can be together forever. The spirit was so strong. She wasn't ready for religion because she's upset at God. We just hope she calls us soon.

Yesterday was fast and testimony meeting. It was really good. The spirit was so strong like always. We had one less active at church. His name's Brendan and he's been to church 3 weeks in a month so he's reactivated now! Yay! Fam, this branch is seriously amazing. I've never met so many strong, and bonded people. I love them. They are my family out here! I don't know why but I was so teary all through out church yesterday. I've been teary all week and I'm not sure why. I think its because its been a hard week. Plus, we don't get to go to our Zone Conference this week so that was a downer as well. I think I just miss you all loads. I cant wait to see you all at Christmas!!
Oh and I chopped my hair off this past week.....not sure if I like it or not. Mom, don't freak out! haha I told her to cut it to my shoulders...well, its a lot shorter than my shoulders. Oh well, it'll be long again by the time I go home! ha love you all!! Thanks for everything!
Sister Firth :)