Monday, January 13, 2014

7 months already???!!‏

Yo fam!!! :)
Can you believe I've been out 7 months today?? Crazy!!! Time sure does fly!! I've still got a long way to go but we'll get there! :) So moves call is on Sunday and so that means that YOU NEED TO SEND ALL LETTERS TO THE MISSION HOME!!!! haha :)

 So the past week and a half was great! We went on exchanges with the STL's two weekends ago and is was soo fun!! I got to be with cute Sister Ricks! Oh wow do I love that girl!! We had so much fun! I hope I serve with her one day! :) She's great! and I learned loads from her!

So this past week, we went over to Catriona and Allistars house because their daughter was home from Uni for the holidays! Her name is Lauren, she's 18, she goes to Uni on the mainland but is sadly inactive! Her, Sis. Rousseau, Catriona and I definitely had girl talk though! Oh man I missed having girl talk! haha Soo fun!! Then Lauren pulled out her guitar and played songs for us and then played songs and sang on the piano!! Funnest night of my life!!! so that was great!!

FIONA: we saw her on Thursday! She really opened up to us about her life. It was soo good. We talked about strengths and weaknesses (Ether 12:27). It was so good to talk to her. So she is great!!

BELLA: She's good. We are seeing her for the first time this week in over a month. So we'll see how that goes!

HUGH: Oh man he's a gem! He's solid as ever and is doing great!! We are teaching him tomorrow!!

So it has been a good week!! We had many less active appointments and have more this week! We also got a new investigator named Sally so we'll see how that goes!! I'm way nervous for moves call. We both hope we stay so say loads of prayers!!

Oh scary/cool story for the day.....last Friday, we were walking to a less actives house to go see her new grand baby. We were on this street called Goathill Road. A former potential investigator lives on that street so we decided to stop by! We walked past his house to get to his driveway so we could go to his door. Well, we took 3 steps onto his driveway and both immediately stopped. I got the sickest feeling inside and I turned to Sis Rousseau to tell her that I didn't feel like we should go but she beat me to the punch. We both got the same feeling. It was a little scary because I had the thought of what could've happened if we didn't listen to the spirit. Makes me grateful for promptings and definitely increases my testimony of how much Heavenly Father truly watches out for us.

Well, thanks for everything fam bam!!! I'm doing great!! Still loving it out here! Truly, I am. The gospel is amazing!!! love it!! :) I love you all!!!! have a great week!!!

Sista Firth :)

p.s. We dyed a less actives hair this week...haha tell Keelee I'm pro now! ;)

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