Monday, January 20, 2014

Golfing and moves call!!! :)‏

Hey there family!!!
Well, it was moves call last night and guess what.....IM STAYING IN STORNY!!!!!!!! YAY!!! Sister Rousseau is moving to Aberdeen...I'm so sad to see her go. Wow, I cant even express how much I love her! She has taught me so to work hard, be exactly obedient, never give up, teach people not lessons, have a good attitude and how to love missionary work! She is truly one of my best friends and I will forever be grateful for her! Love her to death!!!
This past week has been a wee bit stressful but its been good! Its crazy that we've only got to spend 2 real weeks in our area this past transfer but its all good! We had loads of appointments set up this past week but with our luck, some of them got canceled. Sally, who was going to be a new investigator, canceled on us the morning of so that was a downer. But we did see many miracles....
1-we got 2 new investigators!
2-Margaret who is less active goes to Martins Memorial and when she started going to that church, they made her burn her BOM. So we gave her a new one and decorated the front of it! She actually read it!!! :):) She is a good lady. She has met with Andrew (our former investigator) a couple of times and we thought that she was going to invite him to Martin's Memorial with her but she actually has been telling him about Mormon's. So its been good because she's been realizing how important the Mormon church is. So its a blessing for her and him that she's helping him.
3-Bella told us this week that she thinks the BOM is true. Now she just needs to KNOW it is true!
4-we chapped Bridge Cottages and taught 3 lessons and got 2 potential investigators so that was great. That never happens haha
5-we also got another potential on Saturday night.

So as you can tell, loads of miracles this week. It was great! Best week eva!!! k update on investigators!

FIONA: We were supposed to meet with her on Tuesday but her grandson got sick and so she had to cancel as well. We are seeing her tomorrow though so that should be good! She's so great! I just love her to death! I can definitely see her getting baptized in the future!
BELLA: We saw her on Friday...we had a good chat. We talked about the after life and baptism. We are seeing her this friday and might commit her to baptism for real. Lets hope all goes well! :)
DUNCAN: He's a new investigator!! :) We met him about two weeks ago on the street. We were actually really down that night and we were walking home. We saw him on the street and was walking towards us. He was going to be passing us on my side so that would mean that i would have to stop him. I wasnt planning on stopping him at all. I wasnt in the mood. haha i know, bad missionary moment for me, but then i instantly had the feeling that i needed to stop him so i pulled out a card and used that to start a conversation. We talked for about 15 mintues and he is Roman Catholic. He's from Barra which is an island south of us but he's up here for University. We got talking about the gospel and his beliefs. We told him about how we have a prophet like Moses, on the earth today and his eyes got really big. So that interested him so we asked if we could meet with him. We met with him on Friday night and taught him the whole restoration. It was brilliant!! He had told his friends that he met us and they definitley told him some false things about our church but thats nothing new! haha It was a great lesson and he loved it! We are meeting with him this thursday again so lets hope it goes great again!
HUGH: He is struggling right now with family issues so he's been really down this past month. But we had a really good lesson with him on Tuesday about trials, family, and how the BOM truly can help us. He's a great man. He has such a good heart and is so humble and has a ton of faith. I have really learned a lot from him.

We also met with a couple of less actives this week. It was really good. We went to Joan Chisms house last wednesday. She fed us and we showed her and her son the BOM dvd with Elder Hollands testimony on it. It was great and we invited her to church but didnt show up. We'll keep working on her!! She actually lives on the isle of harris so its a long drive for her but it shouldnt keep her from church! Another less active we met with was Al. His son is a member of the church and he took us golfing!! So now i can say that i've golfed in Scotland!! It was a blast!! Dad, davis, rog, and dev, you should be jealous!!! ;) haha i sucked but it was hilarious! so fun!!
So this past week has been good! In church yesterday, we talked all about Christ's life in Relief Society. It definitley strenghtened my testimony. Then in Sacrament, i had to give a talk and gave it on Christlike attributes so it was a good Sunday! In District meeting on Tuesday, we talked about Christlike attributes and talked about Faith, hope and charity. Well, for Christmas, i got a quote book and in it it had a quote that said....
"Faith, hope and charity are ACTIVE principles, not passive ones. If we do not DO them, we dont HAVE them. Its that simple." Boy did it teach me a lot. I've been working on charity and asking God to help me hav it more. We cant have it if we dont ask for it.

Well family thanks for everything!!! i love you all!! Dad, i got your letter today. I do know Elder Eastham. He was in my last zone. I only met him once though. Thats funny he's in Scott Westra's ward! Small world eh? Well, I love love love Stornoway and i love being a missionary! Im reading the BOM for the 2nd time and wow, i see it so clearly this time through.  Love this gospel. Im truly grateful to be a missionary. miss you guys!!! see you in 4 months!! haha :) xoxoxo
Sister Firth :)

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