Monday, January 27, 2014

~D&C 68:6~‏

Hey fam bam!
Well this week has been pretty hard for me I must admit. I have really missed Sister Rousseau. We got really close and I definitely consider her one of my best friends! She truly taught me loads. Sister Shead is a great missionary. I love her accent haha She already has taught me a lot. It'll be fun to work with her. So I've been tested a lot this past week but I got through it so its all good! Saw many miracles and many of my prayers were answered so I'm grateful to know Christ has been by my side this past week as well as throughout my mission.

On Tuesday, we went around the island to say bye to everyone. We also went to see the Callanish Stones since we've never seen them so that was way fun. It was very cool! Wednesday was a loooong day! Sis Rousseau and I woke up at 5:30 to be on the ferry by 7. We took the ferry to Ullapool and arrived at 9 45. Then I dropped her off and picked up Sis Shead and then had to get back onto the ferry to go back to Storny! So pretty much I was on the ferry for 6 straight hours. I slept the whole time haha and I didn't get sick so that was a blessing. It was p-day on Wednesday so we were out by 6 til 9. We worked really hard that night. It was weird leading out the area but it was kinda fun. WE MET A MAN FROM AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!! haha he's from Rhode Island. He's lived in Aberdeen for 6 years now and is just up in Stornoway for a placement thing to teach Gaelic. We stopped him on the street so it was cool talking to another American especially in Stornoway of all places. haha

HUGH: We saw Hugh on Tuesday. He was sad to see Sister Rousseau leave but he was happy for her. We went over the restoration a bit more. He was having a bad week last week with some family issues and he explained to us how he decided to pray everyday for himself to feel better and to give his problems to the Lord. He said that it worked and he feels a lot better. He never ceases to build me up or to help me realize what is important. He is such a great example to me and I learn something from him every time i see him. My testimony sure has grown since I've met him. He's great and has grown so much since the first time we met him. Love that man!
BELLA: We saw her on Friday. She REALLY opened up this time. It was really good. We taught all about temples and talked about forgiveness. She is scared to be alone when Donald passes away and so she's scared to get baptized. Its a long story but hopefully we will get her progressing again.
FIONA: We saw her on Tuesday as well. She always has the deepest questions but I love it because I learn from her questions and love to study about them. She had asked the question "will the people who chose to follow Satan in the premortal life get a second chance?" So I decided to study Alma 42 when Alma explains to his son Corianton about the mercy and justice of God. I noticed that in that chapter, Alma introduces the plan in four different ways.....
1.plan of redemption
2.plan of happiness
3.plan of salvation
4.plan of mercy
I've read that chapter probably 3 times now and that time, I learned more than I ever have about it. Gotta love the scriptures!!
COLLEEN: We saw her on Wednesday night. She is so cute. She told us that she's been reading the Book of Mormon and that she really finds it interesting. We decided to give her a Restoration pamphlet to help her know more about where the BOM came from. We are going back this Wednesday. She also said that she wants to come to our scripture study on Thursday so that was good!
DUNCAN: Oh man this lesson was....interesting. We took a member with us and were planning on teaching him the plan of salvation. Well, right as we got in there, the member just took the lead. It was so bad haha sister Shead and I were looking at each other like we didn't know what to do. So it was a bad lesson ha but he texted us on Sunday and told us that he is free on Wednesday so that was good! He's doing great though!!

So this past week has been a mixture of emotions for me. It was a hard week but a testimony building week. I definitely was stretched to my limits but trials make you stronger right? On Saturday, I was studying in the Doctrine and Covenants and I flipped to a scripture which totally answered my prayers and helped me loads. It was D&C 68:6 Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come. Its such a great scripture! Definitely one of my favorites!! I also studied about the Temple yesterday and wow do I miss the temple!! Its amazing! Well, fam I love you! thanks for everything!! have a great week!! xoxoxo :)

Sister Firth :)

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