Monday, February 3, 2014

Its LOVE month already?? whoop whoop!!! :)‏

Hey fam!!
Can you believe its February! Love month!!!! Yay! Wow, time sure does fly when you're having fun!! Meg, is baby 2 still in your tummy?? I hope so!! Mom, thanks for the letters!!! I sent you all letters last week! mom, I'm sending yours today!

Well, this week was long, but great!! Church was AMAZING!!! We had 3 less actives there, and one non-member! I was pretty much on cloud 9!! haha Love it! Oh and a member who got reactivated back in November I believe bore his testimony! And a less active bore hers as well! So it was soo great! :) Well here's the update...
HUGH: He is doing soo great!! He misses Sis Rousseau as well as  everyone else! ha But he's great! still strong as ever!

FIONA: Haven't seen her this week! Her hubby has this week off of work and came home from Glasgow so she wanted to spend it with him. She's doing good though! Still reading and praying :)
BELLA: Wow, she is doing awesome!! She has really opened up to us lately. We've talked about baptism the past two visits and she is just scared but she'll be baptized sooner or later! I sure love her loads!!
DUNCAN: We taught him twice this past week! The first time was on prayer and the nature of God, and yesterday (yes, we had a lesson on a Sunday, finally!!) we taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ and guess what...I got to ask him to be baptized and he said that he would think about it! So lets hope its a yes!! He's doing great though! he's solid and has great questions!!
COLLEEN: She is soo wee and so cute! Ah love her!! :) We taught her the restoration last week and we asked her about Josephs vision and she said, "Oh he had a vision alright!" I thought that was so amazing! We also asked her if she wanted to take the missionary lessons and she said yes!! So that was great!
SALLY: We taught her for the first time on Saturday and it went great!! Her church doesn't believe in the after life or in prophets and she does so that was a good start! We taught her the restoration! It went well and we're going back this week!
So life is lovely on the Isle of Lewis!! :) We have a scripture study class every Thursday and wow, it is soo good! A the moment, we are studying all about God and who he is and what his role is. Its great!! So we were at Catriona's, a member, this past week for dinner and we were talking about the missionaries who baptized her. She said that one of them told her that he gained his testimony when he was in Stornoway. That really got me thinking of when I truly gained a strong testimony of the gospel. Before my mission, I knew God loved me and that the church was true but I didn't KNOW that the BOM was true or anything else. It wasn't until I got up here that everything changed. I've gained a strong testimony of the gospel. Now, I KNOW the BOM is true, that Joseph Smith is a prophet, that God loves me, and that Christ really did die for me. I've really come to love and know my Savior up here. Not sure if its because I'm isolated or what. haha but I'm grateful I chose to serve a mission. Its a wonderful thing!! :)
Well, I'm doing great!! We are catching a flight tonight to go to Glasgow until Wednesday for the All of West Scotland Conference!!! Soo excited!! :):) I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! miss you loads!! thanks for everything fam!! xoxoxo!!
love always,
Sister Firth :)
p.s. the pics are Sis Shead and i at the War Memorial with a BOM, the card that Aunt Chelle sent me!! THANK YOU!!!! I loved it! :) made my week!
And sis shead and I with our mini milk cartons!! :)

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