Monday, February 10, 2014

Happy Valentines Day in 4 days!!‏

Hey family!!
K sorry I'm getting on earlier than usual because we are going on a tour of the west side of Storny today and so I'm sending this early! But how are all of you?? mom, thanks for the package! I LOVE WHEAT THINS!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha thank you!! oh and I came to the conclusion that I want to live in New York for a couple of months! Yep, that's me, in the Big City for a bit!! I miss it! haha I miss America!!!! Meg, still prego? please say yes! ha oh and happy valentines day on Friday fam bam! Give everyone a big kiss for me!!

Well this week has been pretty good! Another long one but oh well! It has been bad weather lately but then on Friday and Saturday morning, it was sunny!! yes, we actually saw the sun!! haha It was lovely! Thank you heavenly father!! ha Anyways...update...
BELLA: She got a cold this week and had to cancel so we are seeing her this Wednesday!
DUNCAN: Well, we taught him the WOW (word of wisdom) on Saturday. But before we started the lesson, he told us that he doesn't want to get baptized into our church for a couple of reasons. He didn't say what the reasons were but I'm guessing it has to do with family. But he said he still wants to keep learning so lets hope HF helps him have a change of heart. So ya we taught him the WOW and it was good! He drinks alcohol, tea, and occasionally smokes so we made a bet with him as his commitment. We told him that if he gave up those 3 things for a whole week, then we would give up sweeties, deserts and we'd have to get up at 6 instead of 6 30. So, he said "DEAL!!" haha it was way funny. So lets hope he makes it through the week. I hope i do as well with getting up a half hour early. I hate to wake up! ha
FIONA: We have an appointment with her this Wednesday so we are excited to see her!
COLLEEN: We taught her the POS (plan of salvation) on Friday! She is so cute! I love her to bits! she is doing great and is progressing very well. We committed her to baptism but she said she's already been baptized so we're going to keep working on her!
HUGH: Ah man I love that guy! He is so solid! We went over to his house and talked about the POS with him. He loves the fact that we get perfected bodies after this life. He cant wait for that! He's doing great and is still going strong!
So this past week was good. From Monday to Wednesday, we got to go to the mainland! It was great! We went to the all of Scotland conference and I saw my friends!! Sister Ashdown and Elder Windhausen! Ah I just love those two! I've missed them! The conference was really good! I learned a lot of why I came on a mission and boy, it is a lot different than when I first came out! ha I'm glad I made the decision to serve. Its harder than heck, but I love it!! Then I got to go on exchanges with lovely Sister Kline! She is so sweet and it was so fun to serve with her for those 2 days! She is a GREAT missionary! wow! It was fun to be on the mainland and to see other missionaries. I've figured out that I'm awkward. Haha I hope to go to the mainland soon so I can learn how to talk to missionaries again!

So a lot of appointments got canceled but we saw loads of miracles. We got 2 new potential investigators. Love it!! Also, Pres. Clancey who is in the mission presidency came up yesterday to visit. He came over my birthday in November and got to come up again so it was fun to see him and his wife! They are so nice! oh and guess what.....ANNIE GOT REACTIVATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She has been less active for a couple of years I think, and she was reactivated yesterday! whoop whoop!! So great! :) the chairs are filling up people!! Thank goodness! And, in relief society, we talked about the POS and it really strengthened my testimony of it. I'm so grateful for my Savior and what he did for me. It really hit me hard yesterday that he died for me. Someone who I've never even met, died for me. Amazing. Makes me realize that i need to always be thinking of that and to always strive to do and be my best.
Well family, I love you all soooooooo mucho!!! Have a great valentines and a great week! I miss you all loads! And don't forget to watch the olympics for me!! xoxoxoxo :)
Sister Firth :)

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