Monday, February 24, 2014

A week of RAIN!!!‏

Hey family!!
Well this past week FLEW by!! Goodness me it was a great week but it poured! I've never seen it rain and blow so hard as it did. Wow! So how were the Olympics??!! mom thanks for sending me those articles! LOVED THEM!! Go U.S.A!!!! haha oh and happy birthday to my cuz...Courtney Jo Cahoon OLSEN!!!!!!! love you Big girl!! Big 2-0! ha anyways, here' the update for you all! :)
BELLA: Saw her twice this week! She is doing so great! I'm really proud of her for being so strong through Donalds death. She still wants to get baptized but she's not reading so I guess it'll take time! I love her to death. I will miss her more than i know! She's pretty much my sister!
DUNCAN: well, he's still learning but doesn't want to get baptized and he's not progressing so we might drop him.
COLEEN: she's so cute! so funny story....we were teaching her all about the Gospel of J.C. and she was understanding it all. So we explained all about the priesthood and such. Well we get to the end and she says "well, I think I need to get baptized again." So by this point, I'm soo excited for her because in my head I'm thinking "oh yes!" well, then my dreams pretty much got burned because then she said "I'll have to ask my minister if he'll let me get baptized again in my church." I just had to put my head down. ha So then we explained how we need to be baptized by someone who holds the priesthood. So I don't know if we weren't bold enough so we'll see what happens!
COLLIN: He's awesome! We've taught him twice now and he came to our fireside on Saturday!! oh and he read 12 pages of the BOM!! saweeet!!!! So that was a blessing. He loved the fireside and everyone was so welcoming to him so that was a bonus! We're going back this week!
ANGIE: She read some of the BOM! She's trying to quit smoking so hopefully she'll succeed. We hope she comes to church this next week.
So ya I think that's it! oh and we had 3 less actives at church yesterday!! It was lovely! I saw many miracles happen this week which definitely strengthened my testimony that God watches out for us. I'm doing great! I'll be sad if I leave Storny but happy for a change. I love you all!!!! have a great week!! :):) xoxo!

Sister Firth :)
p.s. pic of sis shead and I in the pouring rain! and me with THE cutest pup in the world!!

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