Monday, February 17, 2014

Til we meet again...‏

Hey fam!
Well this week was sad, exciting, and happy. This one isn't going to be too long because not much has gone on with our investigators.
So here's the story....Wednesday, we were at a LA's house and we got a phone call from Sister Sharp, the senior couple. Sister Sharp was crying and then told me that Donald Macdonald has passed away. He is an active member of the branch and Bella is his daughter-in-law. He found out in December that he had lung cancer and now he's gone. He was a great man. I was in shock when I found out. We saw him two weeks ago and he looked great. So we helped with the funeral and got everything ready. It was on Saturday and wow, so many people showed up. We didn't think many people would since its a Mormon church but there were well over 250 people there. The church was packed with people. They were standing in the halls and sitting on the stairs. The funeral was great. His 4 boys all carried his coffin. It was so lovely to see.
So then yesterday, I had to give a talk in sacrament. Well, sacrament is about to start, and guess who walks in.....all of Donalds kids and grandkids. I was in awe and was so nervous to speak haha! Also, there were 6 less actives at church as well and one of them hasn't been to church in 11 years. It was amazing. There was a total of 36 people at church. Wow! What a blessing it was.
So this week was good but a teary one. Donald was a great man and will definitely be missed. He will do great things up there! I'm doing great! I love you all!! thanks for all that you do fam!! :) soo lucky to have the knowledge of eternal families! xoxoxo :)

Sister Firth :)

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