Monday, November 24, 2014

IRELAND-Elder Leimer‏

Heyy family!!

So it finally snowed in Utah huh!? ah that is sooo great! man, I can't wait to see the snow but until then, I'm going to enjoy this rain! Mom, I got your package today!! THANK YOU!! and whit, I got your package as well! THANK YOU!! can you believe I'm going to be 21 in 6 days? Flip I'm getting old! haha anyways here's the update for the week! It was a busy busy week!

First off, I forgot to mention last week a scary/cool experience sis skagen and I had. So we were walking home from a dinner appointment a night last week and it was dark. We were stopping at the church real quick and as I was opening the lock on the gate, sis skagen turned to me and said, "uhh..." and I said, "What?" and she said, "just keep going." But her eyes were looking past me so I turned around to see and a man was walking towards us. I got the most awful feeling and just turned to sis skagen and said "nope. we're going home,." we got home safely. It made me grateful that Heavenly Father is watching out for us and that we are able to be aware and follow promptings from the spirit. 

Richard is doing great still! He is getting the priesthood this coming Sunday so we are so excited and happy for him! He is so excited. He was performing in the Cathedral last Friday and we were going to go but it was all sold out so we went and wished him luck anyways. He handed me a card and said it was for my birthday! He is such a great man! So nice of him to do that! 

We finally met with Stuart this past week. It was kind of a big appointment. We explained to him about how its not smart to procrastinate and that he really needs to do some searching about what to do. So, we'll see what he decides. We talked to Megan yesterday and we figured out that we had the wrong number for her so now we finally can set up an appointment and start teaching her! Other than that, no other investigators to report on! But, we're hoping to get some new ones this week! :) We did a pamphlet drop on Tuesday in Maghaberry and we're going back this Thursday to chap the village so we'll see if we have success! Lets pray!!

On Friday, we had Zone Interview Training. It was great as always! I had an interview with President Brown and it was good. He's so nice and is always wondering how we're doing as missionaries. I had to give my out-going testimony and sis skagen had to give her in-coming testimony. It was really sad...but Sis Skagen did a great job! After the training, we went home to eat dinner and then head out for the night. We were not in the mood because it was cold, raining, and dark so we prayed that we would have good attitudes and be upbeat. Well, we walked out of our flat, and onto the main road. Right as we got on the main road, this guy was walking towards us so we stopped him. We talked to him about prayer and God. His name is Robby. It was a really good conversation. We were able to leave him with a BOM and get his contact info. We have an appointment set up with him tonight so we'll see how it goes! :) We also met a lady named Julie that night in the park. She is so in need of the gospel. Her mom passed away 5 weeks ago. She was so nice to us but wasn't interested in church right now. We gave her our number anyways and told her to call us if she ever needed someone to talk to. I hope she calls!! 

On Saturday, it was sis skagens one month mark!!! To celebrate, we went to a yummy place to eat called Coopers. It was fun! :) Time is moving so fast! Yesterday was stake conference. It was amazing!!! Elder Leimer of the 3rd quorum of the Seventy was there. He is from Germany but sounds American because he lived in America for 17 years. It was cool to see him and hear him talk. Before the meeting, he had a meeting with the new members and Richard was able to go to that. Elder Leimer asked the new members if any of them would like to share their conversion story. Richard stood up and shared his. The Zone Leaders told us about it because they were in the meeting. It was cool to hear how Richard shared his story. I'm so proud of him!! He is such a great guy! 

Well family, Thanksgiving is this week and so I want to say that I'm THANKFUL for you all!! Thank you for all of your support! I'm so grateful to have a family like you! I love you! see you real soon!! :) muah! xoxo :)

Sister Firth :)

Monday, November 17, 2014


Heyyy family!!

Well guess what I got this week... my travel itinerary (sp?) haha uh crazy right! Flip its getting more and more real each day that I'm actually going to be getting on a flight to UTAH! Time seriously needs to slow down! anyways, Ash, thank you for the quote countdown! I LOVED it!! Meg, thanks for the b-day package! I opened it early haha I've already worn both shirts. Wahoo!

This past week was gooood let me tell you! Sister Skagen has a great fire about her which keeps me going. I love it! So we went to the Belfast Castle last week for pday and it was so fun!! I'll attach a pic for ya! We said goodbye to the Forsyths a few weeks was sad! I miss them already but everyone has to keep moving on right? They were an amazing couple! So nice and helpful to us missionaries. They are missed here in N. Ireland. So here's the update with investigators...

Richard: He is getting the priesthood in two weeks!! I'm so excited and happy for him! :) He's doing great and everyone is fellowshipping him so its great!!

John: We actually dropped him this past week. We both felt it was the right thing to do. He just wasn't putting in as much effort into it as he should've been. We hope his desire to know if God is there will increase. 

Stuart: We're meeting with him this Thursday for sure!! He's doing good. 

Megan: She is getting baptized in January!!! wahoo! :) We talked with her on Sunday and are meeting with her and her mom this week so we'll see how it goes! she is such a cute girl.

So that's basically the update! We got to teach young womens on Sunday was so fun!! Man, I miss young womens! How'd I become so old so fast? haha Sister Skagen and I are doing loads of finding right now because we don't have too many investigators and with our luck, it didn't just rain last week... it POURED!!!!!!!!!! We were soaked from head to toe! It wouldn't have even made a difference if we just jumped in the river...that's how hard it was raining! But hey, our husbands will be that much more handsome and perfect! ;) So life is still great! Its a nice day today which is good! 

Yesterday for pday we went to the Christmas festival in Belfast city. OH MY is all I can say!!!! It was the coolest thing I have ever seen!! I wish you could've all been there. Whit probably would've spent all of her money there haha we're going back next pday because we didn't have any cash with us. So mom, don't be surprised if my account is empty next Monday!! haha jk...not really though. Oh and sister Skagen and I are going to get sweat trousers that are specially made and they're going to say SIM on the left leg and then #winner on the back...ya I guess you could say we're pretty cool. jk:)

Well, I better go! I love you all!!!!!! I miss you! See you real soon! Don't forget that the church is true, the Book is blue, and I love you! muah xoxo :)

Sister Firth :) 


Monday, November 10, 2014

IRELAND-Sister Skagen! :)‏

Hey family!!

What is up! Wow this past week has been so long but so amazing!!! So my new beautiful companion is Sister Skagen! She is the cutest! She is 22, from Pennsylvania, went to BYU for 4 years, and is pretty much amazing let me tell you! She is so prepared and it feels like Im' not even training her! She's training me! haha I love her a lot already. 

So I went on Wednesday. I flew to the mission home to go pick her up! I had to say bye to sister Martin. How I miss her! She will do amazing in Montrose! She was so humble, happy, and hard working. I love her! So we got there and the trainees were already there. They flew in from Provo. So when I got there, they all came up to me and were like, "Sister Firth, we saw your uncle Paul!!" I was shocked haha they told me how they saw him in the airport. So that was fun. Then, me and another sister went and stayed with the Corstorphine sisters and guess who it was....Sister Crawley and her trainee!!!! It was a blast! We totally had major girl talk! ha I loved it!! Then, the next day, Thursday, we hiked Pratts Hill. Oh my, it was the funnest but hardest thing haha the weather was like Stornoway weather!! It was crazy!! But an adventure! So that was fun, and then we went back to the mission home, had some training from the AP's and President Brown, and then we got our trainees! I was the last sister to explain my area and such haha so I was a bit nervous, but, I got Sister Skagen as my trainee! It was so great! It's weird because I knew I was going to get her. I knew that with Sister Martin as well! Funny how the spirit works. Sis S and I spent the night in the mission home and then we took the ferry back on Friday. It was a loooong day but it was fun.

So not too much to update with the area. Richard is doing great as always! We didn't get to meet with anyone else because I was in Scotland the whole week but can I just tell you how amazing my comp is! Wow, she is so diligent and has this fire about her. She is keeping me from getting trunky and is keeping me going! Her and I are a lot alike. We get on great! I love her! So life is great in Lisburn! I hope all is well back in good ol utah! Man, I miss that place but I am so not ready to come home!! Good thing I still have like 5 weeks left! Well I love you all!!! Thanks for everything!! Miss you! xoxo muah! :)

Sister Firth :)
bye bye sister martin, us hiking pratts hill,(mom, I know you told me not to wear a hat but it was FREEZING!!!!!!!!!) and me and sis skagen on the ferry. It was windy, as you can tell haha!

Monday, November 3, 2014

IRELAND-Round two!‏

Hey family!!

So how is life back at home? I can't believe the Utes beat USC!!!! wahoo! when I read dad's letter, I was cheering them on as dad gave me the summary of the game haha Literally, I was yelling "yes! and wahoo! Go utes!" haha I'm so lame I know! Hope we can go to a bowl game!! That'd be legit! Anways here's the update....

So we got moves call....and guess're gonna be as shocked as I am.. ha I'm training AGAIN! So I'm gonna have another daughter. I am so excited! But so sad because I'll have to leave her after six weeks. So I'll find out on Thursday who I'm getting. When President Brown called last night and gave me my new assignment, I was like..."uh President, you know I only have six weeks left right?" he laughed and said "yes, but we need you." So I accepted. ha I am so excited and I feel so honored. We'll see how it goes! :) 

I will miss Sister Martin. It has been so fun to see her grow and change. I have loved serving these 12 weeks with her. She is so sweet and happy! We had some great times together! I will miss it but she will do great in Montrose with Sister Pugh! (who came out with me :))

Other great news...Richard got baptized on Saturday!!! wahoo!! :) It was amazing! It was such a great feeling to see him enter the waters of baptism. Sis M and I had to both give talks and once the baptism started, it was pouring! You could hear it on the windows at the top of the chapel but once Sister Martin started giving her talk, the rain slowly started to stop and by the end of her talk, it stopped completely. Goes to show you that Satan really is trying to stop this great work moving forward. Well he didn't succeed! Richard was so happy and I was so proud of him. He looked great! 

Megan, the girl who wants to get baptized, came to church but hasn't talked to her mom. I mentioned it to her yesterday and she said she'd talk to her mom this week and we also offered to talk to her mom as well so we'll see what happens there. Stuart is good. Haven't seen him in a few weeks. Hopefully we'll see him this week. Thomas, the guy who came to church, dropped us. So that was a bummer. So now, we are going to be finding new people to teach! Hopefully a woman haha 

Halloween was great right?!! We had a ward party and it was so fun! There were fireworks at the park behind the church. It was so fun to be at! I loved it! Oh and guess what... I met an RM who served in Portugal with Tanner Dastrup!! His name is Thomas Ryan. He came to the baptism. So that was fun to talk to him. He said Tanner was the perfect missionary. Small world huh! 

Well family, life is great here in Lisburn. I'm still sick...ha mom, wanna just hurry and fly over here to make me better? sweet thanks ;) I love you all family!! Thanks for everything! Time sure is running out...I have to admit that it has been hitting me hard this past week that I only have such a short time scares me. But, I'm excited to see you all! Love you! cheer on those Utes for me! :) wahoo!!!! xoxo 

Sister Firth :)