Monday, June 30, 2014

Luck of the Irish!!!! ;)‏

WOW!! We are soo excited that Callie will get to experience the country of Ireland!  The work is really busy there at the moment so we are grateful for that as well!  This is all we heard from her this week.  Thanks for all your love and prayers on Callie's behalf.
xo Lisa :) 
Hey family!!!!!
Well, first off, Ash and Meg HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!!!! :) Wish I could be there to celebrate with you!!! Alright family BIG NEWS....IM GOING TO BELFAST, IRELAND!!!!!!!!! My companion is going to be Sister Crawley! She is from Gilbert, Arizona and has been out for 6 months!! I am way excited!!! okay I'm sorry but I have like no time left...we had to do a survey so I'll update more next week!! I love you all!!! miss you!!! :):)
Sister Firth :)

Monday, June 23, 2014


With Callie's one year mark just past, we rec'd the cutest letter from her and I wanted to share an excerpt from it..."Just thinking about all that happened before I left on my farewell, Denny's, the cabin, my room flooding, writing "Thank You" cards, packing, saying bye to everyone, Asian Star, getting set apart, driving to the airport and forgetting my debit card and then finally walking through security with Uncle Paul on my way to the greatest, hardest, funnest, most spiritual journey I could ever imagine!  Its still surreal to me that I'm in Scotland!  I sometimes just have to stop and think "Wow, I'm in Scotland!" Amazing!  I sure do love it out here and love the people of Scotland!"  Callie is loving her mission and appreciates all your love, support and prayers. Thanks to all of you!  LOVE what these missions teach our kids!

  xo Lisa :)

Hey fam bam!!
So remember how last week I said to soak up some sun for me in Lake Powell? Well, you didn't even need to...I got my own sun this week!! Tan lines on my feet, back, neck, and arms!! It is AWESOME!!! Summer is finally here! But don't worry, it wont last long....that's Scotland for ya! haha it's only a heat wave! So how's everything back home? I'm glad Powell was fun!
This past week was finding, finding, finding as well as rejection, rejection, rejection! haha I'm serious though....we get the "hand" constantly! People put their hands in our faces even before we say Hi to them. I almost gave this guy a high five just to be funny because we had about 4 people give us the hand that day already. So we are still trying to find new investigators. We have ward conference this week so lets hope something changes so we can get things going! We are also going to go to outer areas to find so I'm excited for that.
Cool story for you all though....On Saturday, Sister Caswell and I went to do some try-by's and we saw this lady sitting on a bench in the park. Sister Caswell had a feeling to go talk to her and so we did. Well, she was in tears so we sat down on the bench next to her and just talked for a bit. She is from Kenya and moved to EK about 5 months ago. Naomi told us that she had just barely, not even 10 minutes before we got there, left her boyfriend because he was abusive to her. She just walked out. We talked about trials and how God will always be there for us and that we knew that He is there for her. After a while, we gave her a BOM and invited her to church. She was happy and smiling by the end. She didn't come to church and we haven't seen her since, but it felt so good to actually talk to someone nice and to teach. Sister Caswell and I definitely needed that this week and so it was a great way to end our week.
Well family, thanks for all that you do!! I love you all!! Miss you as well!! Pray that we find those elect who need the gospel in their lives! The church is true, the book is blue, and I LOVE YOU!!!!!! xoxo :):)
Sister Firth :)
p.s. Me getting eaten by the dino, sisters in my district after district meeting, and me with my scottish friend wearing a kilt! sweet. :)

Monday, June 16, 2014

Continue looking...‏

Hey fam bam!!!
How's everything going over in good old Utah? Ash, thanks for the parcel!! Loved it! :) Dad, I got the trek cd! thanks! So weird to watch it...everyone is so young! And, dad Happy Fathers Day yesterday!! k I'm a bad daughter and still haven't sent your card to you! It's been sitting on my study desk for the past week...I'm sending it today! sorry!! Anyways I hope you're all doing just dandy!
Life in EK is going pretty good. We still have no investigators. The little girls didn't meet with us this week so that's us with no investigators. Haha we dropped Mharhi this past Friday. So we are back at square one! whoop whoop! love it! haha we are trying to plan some ward activities leading up to Pioneer Day so lets hope they work out! We are finding a lot! and I mean A LOT!! ha its tiring but its what's needed. We found a good potential on the bus yesterday and are going by on Thursday. He has 2 boys and a partner so lets hope something good comes out of it!
Other than that, no other news. Us and the elders are really struggling to find new investigators and the ward doesn't help. ha its kind of frustrating. All four of us missionaries fasted last Sunday to receive inspiration on what to do...well, none of us felt anything. Which isn't a very good sign. We all sat down and talked about it and we all feel that God isn't going to bless us with investigators if the ward doesn't step up and help. There's lots of drama but we came to the conclusion that if we just do our part, God will help us one way or an other.
For p-day last week, us and the elders went hiking! We went to find this castle and let me tell you, it was POURING rain and we walked in about 3 inches of mud the whole way...well, all we found was a castle site. haha it was a lot of fun though!! So that was nice! And we got mud all over us...classic. I also got to go on exchanges with Sister Jones. She is the cutest. Love her! It was fun! It poured and we got soaked but memories right? haha oh and guess what...we have to do an hour of Family History each week and you'll never guess what I did...I traced my lineage back to Adam!!!!!!! Awesome huh! I was flipping out! haha
This past week, I've prayed more on my mission than I ever have before. Whether it be on my knees, standing up, in my head or sitting on the bus, I've prayed non-stop. I've prayed for investigators, strength, courage, energy, help, answers, ect. Yesterday in church I was thinking about how I've prayed a lot this past week and how I don't always receive the answers I want or in the time I want. I remember when I was a little girl if I ever lost an earring or a shirt or whatever it was, I'd look for it and then say a prayer and then keep looking and eventually I'd find it. I realized that when I was little, I didn't just wait for God to tell me the answer, I continued looking and He led me to it. As missionaries we sometimes pray for direction or help but do we continue looking or do we just sit and wait? I've found this past week to keep going, keep looking, and God will guide us and place someone in our path. I've found that when times are hard, keep going, don't give up because there is ALWAYS light at the end of the tunnel. I have a testimony that God truly does know me perfectly. He knows what I need, what I want, what I desire, and how I feel. He also knows my life from beginning to end. I know that He will help us missionaries find those who need to hear about the greatest message we could ever give. We just need to continue looking, don't give up, HAVE FAITH, and listen to the spirit.
I'm grateful I'm on a  mission. It has taught me more than I know. It's crazy to me that I've been out for a much has changed. I'm grateful I obeyed my Heavenly Father in choosing to serve a mission because this is the greatest journey ever! I love it...even when its pouring and exhausting. Ha Fam, thanks for everything. I love you all loads!! Miss you!! have a great week in Powell!! Soak up some sun for me will ya? Sweet thanks! love you!!! :):) xoxo
Sister Firth :)
pics of sister caswell and I on our hike...we look like hawt drowned rats haha don't judge. Sister Jones and I on exchanges and sis caswell and I with face masks!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Week 52!! Fathers Day!!

Oh hey fam! :)
How are things in Utah going? Well can you believe its week 52 already?? Wow time sure does fly. I have lots to talk about today so sorry if its jumbled! haha I'll do my best to be organized!!
First off, this past week has been BUSY!! Starting with last Monday... we had zone development day! It was a blast!! We went to Glasgow and had a BBQ and played lots of games. I forgot to take pictures so sorry! but hey, that means I had fun right? haha It went from 12-7:30 at night! So we had all day just to hang out with our zone. It was way fun! Then Tuesday we had until 3 for p-day to get shopping done, cleaning, emailing, etc.. Then we worked the rest of the night. Then Wednesday comes along and we had Zone Interview Training in Glasgow again! It was AWESOME!!!!! I got to see Sister Watt there!! It was a good reunion! :) My interview with President Brown was great. He is a great man! During Zone Interview Training, Elder Allen gave a 10 minute instruction on the difference between being a child of God, and being a child of Christ. Wow is all I can say! It was so good! He talked about how we are all children of God. Every person who has lived, who lives, and who will live is a child of God. But not every person is a child of Christ. In Mosiah 5:7 it says..."And now, because of the covenant which we have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters." So, we become children of Christ when we are baptized and if we keep our covenants. Pretty cool to think about huh! I loved it!! So Zone interview training was great!!! Felt the spirit a lot.
So update on investigators...well sadly, we've dropped all of them except for Talula and Mirrin, and Scott. Scott isn't progressing though but the girls are so that's good! Sister Caswell and I decided to drop Mharhi. We taught her last Friday and the spirit wasn't there at all. When we walked out of there, we both felt like it was time to drop her. So we prayed about it and came to the conclusion that its not worth it to us to teach her if she isn't going to progress towards baptism. Hopefully she will be interested in the future. So not too much to update. We will be doing lots and lots of finding this week! Finding fever here we come! ha love it!
So this week has a lot of important dates family! Today is one year since I gave my farewell talk! crazy!! I think about how I felt when I gave my talk...oh man I was nervous. It feels like it was yesterday! Also, on the 13th its my one year mark!!!!!!! One whole year fam!! Can you believe it??! Because I cant! It's gone fast and slow at the same time. 6 months to go! It will fly. :( June 15th is also Fathers Day!!! So I'd like to say HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO MY DAD!!!! I hope you get lots of presents! Just gotta say that I love you dad! and I miss you like none other!! Thanks for being the best dad in the world! I'm grateful for you and everything you've done for me! I love you!!!
I'd also like to say how thankful I am for my Heavenly Father. I'm grateful for the relationship I have gained with Him this past year. I never knew or realized how much He loved me until I came on a mission. I have received more blessings than I can count. He has helped me so much. It's amazing to me that He will still love me even when I fall short. I hope to repay Him one day for all that He has done for me. He sure is a loving Heavenly Father. I can testify of that!
Well family, I sure love you lots!! Thanks for everything! oh and mom, I got the flash drive! THANK YOU!! I loved it! Oh and tell Cole and Ali congrats on getting engaged!!!!! He's a bum for getting married without me there but I guess I can forgive him! ;) ha She sure is pretty!!  I hope you all have a great week! Love love love you! miss you all!!! xoxo :)
Sister Firth :) 
p.s. Sister watt and I, me at the sign because it say's Somer (summer) in it and it was HOT that day, and me with the pic of Cole and Ali! FUn fun!! :)

Monday, June 2, 2014

Run Forest Run!!!‏

(Okay this isn't my weekly email but I want to email all of you and tell you some news.....So sister Kilee Cuff went home today. :( Sister Caswell and I are so sad and feeling so deflated. She has tontilitis and has to go home to get surgery. She called us on Sunday night to tell us and said that she feels at peace with it and so does president brown. Ah I feel lost without her. She is my best friend out here. But God has a plan for everyone so we'll see what hers is! Just wanted to tell you all that! k I'm gonna start my weekly! ha love yous all!!!! :) xoxo)

Callie is doing so great!!!  I can't believe she is at the point that she "doesn't want to come home"! ha:)  Words a mother wants to hear :)  Thanks to all of you for your continued support of Callie and prayers on her behalf!  We love you all!

Lisa :)

Hey family!!!
Well to start off, can you believe that it's June?!!! Crazy how fast time is flying!!! I have to admit that this past week, I've been feeling scared and not ready to come home! I know I have 6 months left, but I don't wanna come home! It just seems weird to me lately......missionary work has been my life for the past year and I love it. Anyways, I think its Davis' birthday this HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVIS!!!!!!! How old are you now like 50? haha jk! love ya!!
So I guess I'll start off with the bad news....Mharhi isn't getting baptized anymore. :( Here's the on Friday, we went over to see her. She told us that she had prayed the night before to see if baptism was right for her. She said that God told her that "He wants her to get baptized but if she doesn't, He'll still love her and that to keep studying the scriptures." Well, once she told us that, Sister Caswell and I both agreed that yes, that is what God would say. Mharhi is His daughter and He would still love her. But then we thought, since He told her to read her scriptures, she should know that she needs to be baptized (2 Nephi 31). She doesn't want to live the Word of Wisdom. She says that she drinks only once every 6 months but doesn't want to give that up. We told her we wanted to still teach her the lessons so she agreed to that. Lets hope God can change her mind and that she'll understand the scriptures. We actually read 2 Nephi 31 with her last Wednesday but I guess she didn't take it all in. Pray for her!!
The Craigies are still busy. Actually, Fiona, the mom, is prego!! So that's exciting but they are so busy that they never have time to meet with us. So lets hope they do this week! The Winter family....well, we dropped them. They just weren't meeting with us and kept canceling so we are going to let them come to us. Scott is doing good. We saw him and his mom wants them to come to church so we're trying to encourage that. Pamela's daughters are doing great! They are our only 2 progressing investigators right now but I love them so much!! They are so cute! We are teaching them tonight about the BOM! And are going to set up a week when they can come to church! YAY!! :) Allistar hasn't met with us either and neither has Rhonny. So that's pretty much it! ha None of our investigators will meet with us so that's a bummer but God has so many people out there for us to teach. We just need to hunt them down! :) haha Sister Caswell and I feel like stalkers sometimes. We are trying by all of our potentials that we have in the area book from 2009. Missionaries are the best stalkers!! haha love it!!
Cool we were walking to the bus station the other day to go to an appointment. Our WWWW (who, what, where, when) was a girl for Steven, who is a member here. He is an RM, he's already dating someone but we want to find another girl for him haha ya know, to keep his options open! So we found one!!!! Her name is Ainsley!! She is 22 and is perfect and sooo cute! She isn't religious but is curious so we had a nice chat with her and gave her a BOM. And we also invited her to dinner at the McNally's (steven's parents) so we'll see how that goes this Friday!! Wedding here we come! ;) haha I'm totally joking! well, kinda!
So I'm doing something crazy....I'm doing a 40 day fast!!! Look it up, its called the Consecrated Missonary by Elder Gene Cook. Its awesome! It'll explain what the 40 day fast is. So yep, that's me for now!! oh and fyi...WE HAVE RAN FOR BUSES ALL WEEK!!! It reminds me of Forest Gump! Classic movie! But hey, running burns calories right? haha Well family I love you all!!!!!! Thank you for EVERYTHING!!! I love being a missionary! It is the best eva! So many blessings come from it and I love seeing miracles and getting my prayers answered every day! God is real. The atonement is real. Miracles are real. xoxo :)
Sister Callie Firth :)
 p.s. Sister Mills and I in Glasgow with our friend from Africa, Sister Caswell and I with our flowers, and me in front of the commonwealth games poster! :)